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The Church of the Atonement provides many opportunities and events for fellowship, spiritual growth, and community outreach.  In addition, many parishioners support various church ministries by participating in Guilds and leadership roles. Please contact the Rector or Sr Warden if you are interested in leadership opportunities at Atonement.

All newcomers are welcome and encouraged to share in Parish Life at Atonement. Please reach out to one of the contacts listed below or contact the office for more information.

Altar Guild

Members of Atonement's Altar Guild work to ensure all of the liturgical vessels and linens are maintained and available to celebrate mass.  From making the silver shine to washing and ironing the altar linens, this group of committed parishioners are the behind-the-scene helpers that make our masses and special services meaningful. Email the Altar Guild.

Coffee Hour Guild

Each Sunday, members of the congregation host a Coffee Hour following the 11 am mass. The Coffee Hour Guild provides the beverages and hosts provide snacks.  This is a great way for newcomers to meet parishioners and for friends to share fellowship over a cup of coffee or glass of juice. Email the Coffee Hour Coordinator.

Endowment Guild

Established in 2009, the Endowment Guild is charged with managing the endowment fund (through a professional brokerage firm), and ensuring that parishioners and friends of Atonement are made aware of the fund and how it exists as a way to protect the future of our parish. Parishioners and friends may give to the endowment fund to memorialize a loved one, to give in remembrance of a special event, or to possibly name the Church of the Atonement as a beneficiary in your will. Email the Endowment Guild.

Finance Guild

The Financial Guild meets nearly every month, just prior to the monthly meeting of the Vestry.  The Financial Guild reviews the financial statements with the Treasurer each month and looks to identify trends, either in expenses or income, which the Vestry needs to be aware of and possibly take action. When necessary, the Financial Guild reminds parishioners to keep their pledges current and monitors the alignment of budget allocations and expenses for each line item.

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