Worship at Atonement
The worship of God in the beauty of holiness is at the center of our communal life at the Church of the Atonement. Each day, people of faith step into this holy space and onto this holy ground to pray and to worship the mystery of God. We do this primarily through the act of offering Holy Eucharist, or, as we call it at Atonement, “Mass.” This celebration of the gift of Christ’s body and blood to sustain and grow the Church—both individually and collectively—is the primary act of worship in the Episcopal Church and at Atonement. It is what shapes and feeds us in our life as a group of faithful disciples of Jesus of Nazareth—as the Body of Christ in the world.
The worship at Atonement is many things—it is beautiful, intentional, ancient, timely, formal, approachable, humble, and inclusive. Our liturgical language is taken from the Book of Common Prayer, the common source for worship for the entire Episcopal Church. Our actions are highly ceremonial; they engage the whole body and help us to orient ourselves rightly in the presence of the living God. In our worship, all of our senses are involved as we bow and genuflect, gaze up to the striking beauty of our stained-glass windows, smell the incense wafting to heaven, taste the bread and the wine on our tongues, and hear the sounds of our common prayer and the exquisite music which helps to lift our hearts in prayer. Our worship is truly incarnational, employing our whole selves—soul, mind, heart, and body—to the greater glory of God.
You are always welcome to join us for worship at Atonement. If our liturgy is new to you, we hope that you will follow along with the suggested congregational actions in our worship leaflets (sitting, kneeling, standing), ask for help if you need it, and participate to the extent you feel comfortable. It won’t take long for the ancient rhythm of this worship to become your own.