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Worship Services


8 a.m. Low Mass

A spoken service with Holy Communion and sermon

The service is about 45 minutes long.

9 a.m. Family Mass

A spoken service with Holy Communion, sermon, organ, and congregational singing

The service is about 50 minutes long.

10 a.m. Formation

Sunday School and Youth Group

All Parish Forum when scheduled

11 a.m. Solemn High Mass | simulcast on YouTube

A sung service with Holy Communion, sermon, organ, congregational singing, incense, and choir

The service is about an hour-and-a-half long.


8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer | on Google Meet



7:30 a.m. Low Mass

A spoken service with Holy Communion and brief sermon

The service is about 30 minutes long.


12 noon Low Mass

5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer | on Google Meet


7 p.m. Low Mass

7 p.m. Choral Evensong | simulcast on YouTube

when scheduled


12 noon Low Mass

12:30 p.m. Contemplative Prayer


7:30 a.m. Low Mass


9:30 a.m. The Holy Rosary

10 a.m. Healing Mass

A spoken service with Holy Communion and Anointing of the Sick

The service is about 30 minutes long.

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