Episcopal Ministries
As a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago we value our partnership to the larger church and regularly look for ways in which we can partner on common mission.
Training has been provided for parishioners at Bishop Anderson House. In response we have provided consistent support to this important ministry.
We also have an ongoing presence through financial support of Episcopal Charities and Community Services as well as Episcopal Relief and Development.
Our contributions to the Diocese help it maintain its commitment not only to crucial social justice ministries but also support mission churches in our diocese and beyond.
A Prayer for Sharing Abundance
O Creator of all living things:
We are all hungry in a world full of abundance.
The possibilities of food for bodies and souls overflow in this
beautiful world.
We ask for the grace to see the abundance of our world and
enough awareness to acknowledge our sins of greed and fear.
Give us openness of soul and courageous, willing hearts
to be with our sisters and brothers who are hungry and in pain.
We ask for your intercession on behalf of every person hungry
for earthly food and hungry for the taste of the Spirit of God.
We give thanks that we can be part of that intercession.
This world is blessed with enough food of the earth
for every person to eat and be satisfied.
We all can feed on the bread of Christ, through the Holy Spirit,
as God makes a home in our hearts.
We come together in awe and wonder
at the Creator who loves us so much
that we are invited and urged to be co-creators with God
in the care of our brothers and sisters.
In the name of the tender Mother-Father of all people who
hears every cry, A-men.